Doctoral Thesis

The content of the cards is based on research that is described in the doctoral thesis, written by Annemiek van Boeijen – teacher and researcher for the faculty of Industrial  Design Engineering at the Delft University of Technology. The thesis ‘Crossing Cultural Chasms: Towards a culture-conscious approach to design’ has been defended February 13, 2015. It can be downloaded:  AGC van Boeijen. In addition, the propositions can be downloaded Propositions.

van Boeijen, A.G.C. (2015). Crossing Cultural Chasms: Towards a culture-conscious approach to design. Doctoral Thesis, Delft Univesity of Technology, Delft.

Card set

Some of the theory and examples used in the cards directly refer to the work of respected people. The most important references are listed below the cards and also here.

  • Bates, D. G., Plog, F. (1976). Cultural Anthropology (3 ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Hall, E.T. (1976). Beyond Culture. New York: Anchor Books.
  • Hall, E.T. (1973). The silent language. New York: Anchor books.
  • Hofstede, G. H., Hofstede, G.J., Minkov, M. (2010). Cultures and organizations, software of the mind (3rd ed.).
    New York: McGraw-Hill USA.
  • Hofstede, G. H., Hofstede, G.J. (2005). Cultures and organizations, software of the mind (2nd ed.), New York:
  • Lindholm, C., Keinonen, T., Kiljander, H. (2003). Mobile Usability: How Nokia Changed the Face of the Mobile Phone. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional.
  • Lewin, K. (1936). Some Social-Psychological Differences between the US and Germany. In K. Lewin (Ed.), Principles of Topological Psychology. Transl. Fritz Heider & Grace M. Heider. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • PicoSol (2014). Retrieved March 2013, from
  • Roozenburg, N. F. M., Eekels, J. (1995). Product Design, Fundamentals and Methods: John Wiley & Sons,
    Chichester, UK.
  • Trompenaars F., Hampden-Turner, C. (1998). Riding the waves of culture; understanding diversity on global
    business. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • van Boeijen, A.G.C. (2015). Crossing Cultural Chasms: Towards a culture-conscious approach to design. Doctoral Thesis. Delft: Delft University of Technology.

Other references and further reading

Other references and further reading from the author of the thesis and cards are listed here.

van Boeijen, A.G.C. (2014). Cultural study in design: in search of a meaningful approach. In proceedings of Engineering and Product Design Education Conference, 4-5 September 2014, Enschede, The Netherlands.

Ibragimova, E. and, van Boeijen, A.G.C. (2014). From BoP to ToP and Vice Versa: Daily Practices in Settings with Limited Resources to Inspire Designers. In proceedings of Design Research Society 2014 Conference, 16-19 June 2014, Umeå, Sweden.
van Boeijen, A.G.C. (2013). Socio-cultural dimensions to sharpen designer’s cultural eyeglasses. In proceedings of Engineering and Product Design Education Conference, 5-6 September 2013, Dublin, Ireland.
van Boeijen, A.G.C. and Stappers, P.J. (2012). Designers coping with culture in an educational setting. In proceedings of Design Research Society 2012 Conference, 1-5 July 2012, Bangkok, Thailand.

van Boeijen, A.G.C. and Stappers, P.J. (2011a). Preparing Western designers for the use of Contextmapping techniques in non-Western situations. In proceedings of Engineering and Product Design Education Conference, 8-9 September 2011, London, UK.

van Boeijen, A.G.C. and Stappers, P.J. (2011b). Serving the under-served: What can designers learn from Rural Appraisal Techniques? In proceedings of the International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference, 31 October 2011 – 04 November 2011, Delft.

Thieme, J.C. and van Boeijen (2011). Some students are more different than others. Journal of Design Research, Special Issue on Design Education.